Maritime Security Workshop (MARSEW)

Maritime Security Workshop is a professional forum, which helps in creating maritime awareness and generate cohesive maritime policy formulation debate by bringing together the policy makers, military leadership, academia, business and media community. Since its inception with 1st edition in 2017 (MARSEW-1), the Workshop has evolved into a singular platform to influence the decision making in maritime domain for achieving the vast potential of Blue Economy and formulation of constructive maritime security mechanism.

The MARSEW platform has achieved significant milestones since 2017. These include the launching of 1st edition of Maritime Doctrine of Pakistan (MDP), establishment of Maritime Centre of Excellence (MCE) at Naval Complex Walton (NCW) and the Golden Jubilee Commemoration of Pakistan Navy Staff Course (PNSC) during MARSEW-4 in 2021.

This year MARSEW-6 was organized with the theme of �Secure Seas � Prosperous Pakistan� from 06-14 December 23.



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